RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

RAGBRAI 2012: Rhubarb brats in Mount Vernon

  • 27 July, 2012
  • Grant Rodgers

Mount Vernon – The First Presbyterian Church is hoping to corner the rhubarb market as riders come through town.

There’s not just pies and crisps, but the creative rhubarb brat as well, a creation whipped together at a meat locker in Manchester.

Is it perhaps the only place on the ride where the custom brats are available?

“Absolutely,” says volunteer Rita Swales, 48. “And the best rhubarb pie on RAGBRAI.”

Preparation for today began for church members in early spring. Members began cutting and freezing rhubarb and getting all they could from any growers, said volunteer Barb Bjork, 58.

Of course, riders have another selection of pies just across the street, presented by the United Methodist Church.

But while both churches attempt to draw riders with promises of fine baked goods, there’s little rivalry between the two, Bjork said.

Four years ago when the ride came through, the two churches banded together after First Presbyterian had been struck by lightning.

“We’re the debtors, they’re the trespassers,” she said.


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