RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Chicken Poop Bingo: Exactly what it sounds like

  • 23 July, 2013
  • Michael Morain

Dallas Center, Ia. — It’s not unusual to have some, uh — how should I put this delicately? — some intestinal problems  during RAGBRAI’s week-long glutton-fest of fried food and homemade ice cream.

But nobody was under more pressure to stay regular today than an anonymous chicken in Dallas Center.

She was the star of Chicken Poop Bingo, one of those only-in-Iowa fundraisers (for the local pool) that city slickers have to see to believe.

And see they did: Dozens of riders bought $10 tickets and crowded around a coop, coaxing the poultry pooper to pause over a particular square on a grid of numbers. Some people clucked. Others clapped to startle her.

But she took her time. She waddled back and forth, jittery from all the attention. A documentary film crew focused their cameras right at her.

“You know what? If I was getting stared at, I wouldn’t be able to go, either,” one woman said.

The suspense ended after about 10 minutes when a blob of pale goo appeared on Square 58, and there was much rejoicing. Since no one had chosen that number, the chicken was left in the coop for another try.

The crowd moved over to the Cow-Chip Bingo game nearby, with pricier tickets, higher stakes and a bigger mess.

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