RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Get Hydrated!

  • 16 July, 2018
  • Andrea Parrott

We know a lot more about hydration and how important it is than we ever have before.  It is one of the most important things that directly affects your health and your heart.  And timing is everything.  Studies show, that hydrating first thing in the morning can directly affect the production of your heart for the day.  Of course it is hard enough to be adequately hydrated on the RAGBRAI route just by the sheer nature of the ride, but hydrating first thing in the morning needs to be a priority.  There will be plenty of sweating.  There will be plenty of drinking.  There will be plenty of pushing our bodies to the limit, so hydrating needs to be on point.

But, don’t wait until the week of RAGBRAI to get yourself hydrated.  Start now. Start your day, every day, will at least 16 ounces of water.  Within 30 minutes of waking, get up and guzzle that H2O!  This is very important on the route as well.  We want your heart to be healthy and hydrated.  After that first water intake in the morning, keep going.  Drink throughout the day and make sure that you get a minimum amount in.  A great rule of thumb is to drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water a day.

We ride to bring our heart healthy message to you.  Why do you ride?  We ride for Charron.

Let us check your heart health and blood pressure at our booth and enter to win a great prize!

Follow us on Twitter at @Businessolver and the hashtags: #heartsolver #whydoyouride to join the adventure!

– Tracey Orman / businessolver / Onsite Wellness & Fitness Administrator



  1. Denton Kernodle

    Hydration is very important and the best hydration aid is Nuun tablets. They cost lest that 50 cents per tablet and one tablet with a 16 oz. of water is a great source of salts and electrolytes The tablets come in a little tube that fits in you jersey back pocket, just add one to a bottle of H2O and drink.

  2. msiebel1949

    Being from Florida we prefer Gatorade! I used to have trouble with leg cramps even when I drank enough water. My wife suggested that I wasn’t replacing the electrolytes, and sure enough when I switched to Gatorade I stoped having the leg cramps! Go Gators!

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