RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Half of the Funds Raised for the Karras & Kaul - RAGBRAI Founders Statue

  • 2 July, 2019
  • Jared

Thank you to all of the wonderful people and teams that have contributed so far to the RAGBRAI: River to River sculpture commemorating John Karras and Donald Kaul.  To date, over $100,000 has been raised for the $200,000 project.  RAGBRAI teams and friends have raised over $50,000 and RAGBRAI has earmarked $50,000 towards the statue. mainly due to registrations from the RAGBRAI Training Series events (Pigtails, BACooN RIDE and Big Rove)

So as Carl Voss says, “We have the money for Donald Kaul’s statue, now we need the funds for John Karras’ statue!”

To contribute online: https://dsmpublicartfoundation.org/eforms/karras-kaul-sculpture/6/

Teams that contribute at the $1,000 or more level will be recognized on a placard at the sculpture in Water Works Park in Des Moines.  To date, these are the team that have reached that level.  We have room for 100 more teams!   The deadline to make the statue placard is August 15, 2019.  There will also be a booth at the RAGBRAI Expo to collect donations and discuss the project.


Pork Belly Ventures

North Iowa Touring Club



Brancel Bicycle Charters
Cedar Valley Cyclists
Central Iowa Charters
Des Moines Register Newsroom Alumni
Dream Team
Emmetsburg Bike Club
Kermit Cook – RAGBRAI II-XXV and XXVII
James W. Hopkins, M.D. Family
PreRide Route Safety Inspection Team
Quad Cities Bicycle Club
Randy & Patty Harvey
Tall Dog Bike Club
Team Bad Monkey
Team Cow
Team Flamingo
Team Friends All Riding Together
Team I Don’t Know…What Do U Think???
Team Jackhammer
In Memory of Jim Green, RAGBRAI Director
Team LanningTeam Me-Off
Team Norbert
Team Not Exactly
Team Red Dog
Team Schmoooze
Team White Bus
Team Wingtip
Wild Women Bike Club
Wombats on Wheels



1 Comment

  1. RDaryl Daryl

    Hey Kids-
    How much do we “waste” away on beverages on a typical ride day?
    Take a day off and submit a donation in honor of these founders who ultimately made it possible for you to truly experience the ride you experience each day you ride !

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