Jay Leno jokes about Lance Armstrong joining RAGBRAI
- 10 July, 2013
- Kyle Munson
So Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show” Tuesday night made a crack about bicyclist Lance Armstrong near the start of his opening monologue.
Armstrong last week told The Register in an interview that he would ride three or four days of the 41st RAGBRAI (The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa), his first public event since sitting down with Oprah Winfrey in January to admit that he doped during his run of seven consecutive Tour de France wins.
Leno riffed on Armstrong about a minute into his monologue:
“And Lance Armstrong has entered his first cycling event since confessing to doping. He’ll participate in The Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Race. You know why he’s competing? It’s in his blood — he can’t get it out! He can’t get it out! It’s in there!”
Note to Leno: RAGBRAI is a ride, not a race. There are too many opportunities to stop for a performance-enhancing pork chop — which is not only allowed but encouraged.
UPDATE: In response to a @DMRegister tweet about the Leno monologue and this blog post, Armstrong apparently replied, “He’s still on TV?” The bicyclist must have had second thoughts about his snarky comeback, because the tweet soon disappeared from his timeline but was still showing up elsewhere. Here’s a screengrab:
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Another not funny joke from Leno. Your comeback was funny than his joke.
I have to agree with Lance on this one. Who knew Leno was still on the tube?
Judging from his ratings, no one. If there were a late-night comedy SAG wagon, Jay would have been riding it for years now.
I thought it was funny but what would be more funny is Jay Leno trying to ride across Iowa.
I can’t believe I actually waited through that much monologue to hear that. As un funny as the joke is, and though I doubt he had any part in writing it, Jay Leno’s delivery on, well, anything, is about as entertaining as chewing on sandpaper. Get his guy off the air, bring back Conan.
The only problem with those juicy pork chops from Mr. Pork Chop is
That they are laced with charcoal
lighter fluid…
If ragbrai cared about cycling they wouldn’t have an unrepentant doper in their ride
Jay who?
I agree with Marty. I know you can’t control participation — but people seeming starstruck over Armstrong’s participation is baffling to me. The man stole millions and lied…to cancer patients no less. Dying people looked to him as an inspiration. It sickens me. And he is absolutely unrepentant. Stay home, Lance.
I hope I get a chance to ride with lance. He is still an incredible athlete.
Some people need to get over themselves. If Ragbrai restricted the ride to those who did no wrong, and who were repentant, no would be allowed to ride. If you have no respect for him I am sure you can find someone else to look out for on the ride. But, remember, Ragbrai is not about individuals. It is about promoting Iowa and all that is good in it. It is about promoting cycling as a lifestyle exercise. It is not about promoting bigotry and ignorance.
I agree with Tom! If you want to see Armstrong, do. If you don’t, don’t.
RAGBRAI is NOT a race but in this mornings paper it had to mention that Armstrong made the dash from CB to Harlan in just overt two hours … so he thinks it’s a race and he is just out for the publicity to try an redeem himself. Armstrong is just a doper in denial (and a liar as well!) )and has given the sport and bicycling in general a bad name!
I think it’s great that Lance is riding in RAGBRAI. Leno can shove it and go to sleep. A lot of people make mistakes in their lives and this was one of Lance’s. He is still a great guy and is always welcome in Iowa. I wish I was doing the ride this year and had a chance to shake his hand. Keep up all your good work Lance, and remember to LIVESTRONG!