RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Pass-through Town Leaders Attend Workshop on Hosting RAGBRAI

  • 10 April, 2011
  • Jared

This weekend, over 120 leaders from 40 pass-through communities from Silver City to Walcott attended an all-day workshop on preparing to host RAGBRAI.  Mayors, city managers, police chiefs, chamber directors, business owners and other community leaders made the trip to Altoona to learn more about being a host town for RAGBRAI XXXIX.

The towns heard presentations geared towards organizing their town to be ready for the onslaught of cyclists.  Presenters included RAGBRAI staff, Iowa State Patrol as well as the Departments of Alcoholic Beverages, Inspections & Appeals and Revenue.  The meeting ended with an encouraging chat from from the Parkersburg Committee, who hosted RAGBRAI for the first time in 2010.  Mayor Perry Bernard and Val Thorne (pictured below) showed slides and videos while recalling the fun they had hosting RAGBRAI.


  1. Sandaltan .

    Many thanks to the 120 who gave up a weekend and will donate many more hours to ensure that I have a great time in the pass-through towns.


  2. triker

    A big round of applause for the Parkersburg Committee, who did an excellent job last year. This town continues to be inspirational!

    Can’t wait to see you, Iowa!

  3. Freddie

    The “onslaught of cyclists”? Does that mean that someone pointed out that five kybos won’t handle 10,000 riders?

    How often to we hear “we never expected that many people” so vendors have pie/lemonade/sandwiches for only a few hundred riders.

    This ride’s almost 40. Let’s put the “learned” into Lessons Learned.

    I complain but keep coming back. What kind of insanity is that?

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