RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Planner for Altoona RAGBRAI stop doesn't let paralyzing fall keep him off bike

  • 23 July, 2011

Many are wary about getting back on a bicycle after experiencing a bad fall and finding themselves in a wheelchair.

Vern Wiley, though, is an exception.

Wiley, 61, was thrown from his bike after it got a flat tire while he was participating on the Tour of the Mississippi River Valley bike ride in 1997. Wiley’s back was broken and doctors told him he would likely never walk again.

Instead of being discouraged, Wiley went through rehab therapy. He installed hand controls in his car and then bought his first hand-pedaled cycle in the same year as his accident — and began riding again.

“If there is a way to do something, I’m going to figure it out,” Wiley said. “The more you do the more you can, the less you do the less you can. I kind of followed that through.”

Wiley returned to the Mississippi River Valley ride and participated in RAGBRAI, which this year begins in Glenwood on Sunday.

Vicky and Vern Wiley of Altoona, who have helped plan for RAGBRAI’s visit to their town, have taken their hand-pedal tandem bike all over the country. (Justin Hayworth/The Register)

Wiley, Altoona’s community service director, has spent much of this year helping plan for RAGBRAI’s overnight stay.

“This is going to be an experience,” he said. “I’m just so proud of our town to start with, and I want everyone to see that, too.”

Wiley lobbied for RAGBRAI to come through Altoona for years, said his wife, Vicky. The couple serve on various committees in preparation for the ride.

“I’m a RAGBRAI widow during the planning,” she said. The couple plans to have a few riders spend Wednesday night in their home in Altoona, she said.

Vern Wiley says he typically averages 4,000 miles a year on his bicycle. He said he’s participated on the Mississippi River ride every year since his accident. He and his wife have ridden their hand-pedal tandem bike all over the country, including the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, Wiley said.

“I was excited to be out and be able to do something on my own,” Wiley said. “Even now, I ride 50 or 60 miles on a Saturday. I go out by myself, pull the bike out of the garage, hop on, and go. … When I’m riding single I seem to attract people. People come and ride alongside of me for 10 miles just to chat and learn about my disability.”

– Kathryn Stinson, Des Moines Register


  1. Teena McIntire

    Such an inspiring story. You remind me of my Brother Joe Shineflew who lost his left in a fall from a roof and a battle w staff infection. He has recently started riding bikes, and will be working the shriners food Booth in Altoona. It will be near the beer tent. Joe is a Shriner clown called Peg. He has turned his disability into something very possitive that helps raise money for kids. I hope you stop by and say hi. While your there grab two sandwiches and get a free water or soda and help support a great organization.

  2. Joe Focciagalupe

    I usually skip RAGBRIA stories, news coverage, boring stories, etc., because generally there IS no “news” about this bike ride and it probably wouldn’t be in “the newspaper Iowa depends on” if not for the newspaper being the main sponsor.

    This story was different. Inspirational. Thanks!

    Advice, Mr. Wiley: stay out of DSM for biking this summer. I’ve already encountered a half-dozen various groupings of non-Caucasian citizens hell-bent on wrecking not only my bike rides but my ability to walk and for cognitive thought.

  3. Jessica Clark

    My father lost a leg to cancer about 2 years ago…where is a good place to start looking for a hand pedal bike?

  4. Julie West

    Good grief. Spell his name correctly. It’s Vern Willey – not Wiley. Incorrect the entire article. He is an amazing man – he deserves to have his name spelled correctly. Not a well written article either – so much to tell about this man. C’mon DM Register.

  5. Jessica Clark

    Julie I think you missed the entire point of this article…thank you DM Register, Vicky and especially Vern for showing anyone can get out and bike…hopefully one day soon I’ll be biking again with my Dad.

  6. Jorge Rivera

    what kind of bike is that?
    where can i buy one?

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