RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

RAGBRAI XXXIX Weeklong Registration Closes Friday!

  • 30 March, 2011
  • Jared

The deadline for weeklong registration is Friday, April 1!  That means that your waivers MUST be postmarked by Friday, April 1.  If you are applying for daily wristbands the deadline is not until June 15.

If you are new to RAGBRAI, welcome!  You can create your profile on entries.ragbrai.org.  Click on “Create a profile,” which is the first step towards submitting a RAGBRAI entry. You’ll create a login that you can use to register and to check the status of your entry. Fill out the form, click submit and you will receive an email from RAGBRAI confirming your profile creation and your username and password that you will use to login when you register for RAGBRAI XXXIX.

If you registered for last year’s ride, please take a minute to review your online profile and make any necessary changes.  Have you moved?  Do you have a new email address?  These are important forms of contact that need to be accurate in order for you to receive correspondence from RAGBRAI.

To review your profile, go to entries.ragbrai.org; login with your username and password; click “Edit your profile,” located on the right side of the page; and update your profile as needed.

Forgot your password? Click on “Lost Password” on entries.ragbrai.org; type in your username and email address; click “Recover”; and an email with your password will be sent to you.

Forgot your username? Send and email to info@ragbrai.org with your first name, last name, and date of birth. We will be glad to send you an email with your current username.  Do not wait until the last minute!

Here are some helpful instructions for those who might need a little help:

RAGBRAI XXXIX Registration Fees

  • Week-long Rider ~ $150
  • Week-long Non-Rider ~ $35
  • Daily Wristbands ~ $25 a day
  • Vehicle Passes ~ $35
  • RAGBRAI XXXIX Jersey ~ $50
    (Purchased with registration, saves $10)

Key Dates for 2011

April 1 (Friday)
Deadline for Weeklong Applications

May 1 (Sunday)
Lottery Results Online

June 1 (Wednesday)
Deadline for Refunds

July 1 (Friday)
Transfers by Mail Deadline

July 23 (Saturday)

July 24-30 (Sunday-Saturday)

1 Comment

  1. Marty Vondra

    I’ve never done the ride and am just now considering doing the entire week. Since the April 1 deadline has come & gone, does that mean I’m too late or can I simply register for all 6 days individually?

    Thanks for the info!


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