RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Riders take a break in Carson

  • 24 July, 2011

Many of the RAGBRAI cyclists are leaving Carson and continuing on to Atlantic, where the first day of the ride will end.

Carson is a meeting town where riders met up with their team buses and took a break from pedaling the Iowa hills.

Venders, beer and live music surrounded the participants as the sun beat down. Thad Wunder of Iowa City said so far the ride has been good, as he wandered the streets of Carson.

“There are great people and as always, it’s (RAGBRAI) relaxing,” Wunder said. “I’ve enjoyed the band, the beer and now I’m looking for some food.”

Wunder has participated in the ride for about four years.

“This year it’s a little hillier, and I’ve seen more windmills, the old school kind, than I ever have before on a ride,” he said.

Cyndi Nelson of Carroll said this is her 12th summer participating in RAGBRAI.

“It’s hilly and hot, but it’s good,” she said. “Tomorrow will be worse.”

As she stood in the shade in Carson, Nelson said, she enjoyed getting 30 miles done, but it’s not all about the riding.

“I come back for the people,” she said. “People have no idea what it’s (RAGBRAI) like unless you actually experience it.”


  1. Jenny Niemann

    Hey Jenny,
    Wishing you luck on this Wonderful Experience! Hope your ride across IOWA is amazing!

  2. Sharon Niemann

    We love you, Mom, Tara and Rob

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