RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Submit Your Favorite RAGBRAI Bus Photos

  • 26 February, 2010
  • Jared

Bike Tour News is having a contest for the coolest SAG Bus! 

Well they call it a SAG bus, but we refer to them as RAGBRAI Buses.    The winner will receive a $100 donation to the charity of their choice.

Please send SAG bus, aka RAGBRAI bus, pictures in a high resolution jpeg format to jill@biketournews.com.


  1. PeanutbutterJohn

    Can The Peanut Butter Jam VW buses count? This year we’ll do our best to make sure they can both make it across the state :)

  2. Sandaltan .

    A calendar of RAGBRAI Buses would make a good gift for my hard-to-buy-for bicycle friends that have everything. That would be a good job for the RAGBRAI “staff”. Both of them.

  3. Jim Buddin

    I will be driving the support vehicle for Team TR RYEDERS for the 2010 RAGBRAI. I would like to chat with anyone who has participated as a driver in prior RAGBRAI’s…seeking guidence, suggestions recomendations etc. Please email me @ jbuddin@comcast.net thanks

  4. Bus Hire Sydney

    Looks like fun. Thanks for the post.

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