July 25, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: He pedals backwards up hills on 100-year-old bike
Stratford, Ia. (Day 3) -- It almost could be the title of a quirky indie film: The Englishman Who Pedaled a French Bike Backwards Up...
July 24, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: Breakfast in Harcourt with the biking elite
Harcourt, Ia. (Day 3) -- Jump 50 miles ahead on the RAGBRAI route and you might nab the morning's first breakfast brat off the grill...
July 24, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: John Karras, ‘Grandpa RAGBRAI,’ accepts thanks (and ribbing)
STRATFORD, Ia. -- When you’re 82 years old and created what has become an Iowa rite of summer, it’s OK to stand in one spot and let...
July 24, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: Volunteers needed for work on last day
RAGBRAI organizers in Clinton are still seeking volunteers to help with barricades, parking, tire dipping and other duties. Contact ...
July 24, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: Team Monkey House from California
Harcourt, Ia. (Day 3) -- At the start of RAGBRAI XL's third day I stumbled onto Team Monkey House from Malibu, Calif., along the sid...