January 11, 2018
RAGBRAI Co-Founder and Syndicated Columnist Donald Kaul Sees the End of the Road Approaching
The Register's Kyle Munson writes that Donald Kaul, the journalist renowned both for his polarizing columns and for co-founding the cultural institution that is the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI), is dying is a battle with prostate cancer that metastasized into his skeleton.
May 10, 2015
How RAGBRAI Began! Unearthed Photos from Karras and Kaul’s 1971 Ride that Spawned RAGBRAI
Vintage photos were discovered of Donald Kaul and John Karras bicycling the rural Iowa roads in 1971, two full years before our official two-wheeled genesis.
July 10, 2014
Reflections from John Karras: That Old Magic Is Still There!
It seems impossible that after all these years (from 1973 to today) I can still feel that mixture of anticipation and apprehension about an approaching RAGBRAI. Yes, seems impossible, but here we are, just days away from the start of RAGBRAI-XLII and I'm feeling the old tension yet again.
July 26, 2012
RAGBRAI 2012: For 40th, Karras, Kaul, Mr. Pork Chop weigh in
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia. -- Thursday night’s biggest cheers? They weren’t for the governor, or for RAGBRAI co-founder John Karras, or the ...
May 17, 2012
Thoughts from Grampa RAGBRAI
Updates from John Karras, RAGBRAI Co-Founder... With RAGBRAI XL (that’s 40, to you non-Roman-numeraly hip dudes) looming ever closer, an unwanted fact keeps bonking around in the back of my mind: That fact is that I am one year younger than Clarence Pickard was in 1973, when Donald Kaul and I launched this general silliness.