RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

The 4 Musts on RAGBRAI

  • 25 June, 2018
  • Andrea Parrott

Heart healthiness.  What does that mean to you?  At Businessolver, heart healthiness is intrinsically wrapped around four strategies of health:  Diet, Activity, Sleep and Hydration.  What better things to concentrate on during RAGBRAI, right?!

Diet: well, ok – nutrition might be a better term.  There will be LOTS of food choices on RAGBRAI and you will want to taste everything and enjoy.  Make sure while you are enjoying the sweet and fried stuff, go easy and get some veggie options in while you can!  Fruits are a great source of carbs which you need while working those pedals!

Activity.  Huh, well I guess you will have that one covered during the week.  Make sure that you listen to your body.  You most likely will have aches after riding for long stretches which is normal. But sharp pains are an indication to stop and assess the situation.  Listen to your body.  If you need assistance, there will be plenty around, so please don’t hesitate to ask for it.

Sleep. Be smart. There will be plenty of late night activities to participate in, but make sure you allow your body time to rest up and replenish itself for the next days’ ride.  Relax a little before you lay down for the night and then find a nice, comfy place to crash.

HYDRATION.  Of all four strategies, this is perhaps the most important, while often times the most neglected.  Drink water ALL DAY LONG.  I know, I know, but then you will have to find the port a potty or the kybo as we like to call it.  You SHOULD be visiting that venue a lot.  You SHOULD be drinking small amounts as often as you can.  Yes, you can overdo it, but you will be sweating a lot out as well.  So, keep an eye on your pee (see previous blogs with a pee color chart) and make sure that you are visiting our famous kybos often.  It’s CRUCIAL for your heart healthiness.

See you VERY soon!!

Follow us online with the hashtags: #heartsolver  #whydoyouride

And on Twitter: @Businessolver

– Tracey Orman / businessolver / Onsite Wellness & Fitness Administrator



  1. Amanda

    Just one question. How do you see your urine color in a kybo?

  2. Papa T

    Cornfields! cornfields!

  3. John Bilsky

    I pee a bright Iowa corn YELLOW all the time. I also supplement my diet with B-complex vitamins. Volume and frequency is much more important than color when other factors are considered.

    Just my 2¢.

  4. Josh Wiley

    I look at it while its coming out. ;)

  5. Mindy Stiger

    must have W R I S T B AN D ????? where are they?

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