RAGBRAI LII July 19 - 26, 2025

Update on RAGBRAI Credential Packets

  • 10 July, 2018
  • Jared

A quick update on RAGBRAI credential packets.  As of today, about 99% of the RAGBRAI packages have been shipped.  In the last few days, there were thousands of packets that were shipped.

Once your packets are shipped you will receive an email with a tracking number from our shipping software, Stamps.com, if you registered online. Large group packets (multiple entries and merchandise) are shipped via UPS will not receive an email.  Check your spam filter to see if you already received this email.

Our final shipments are going out in the next day or two. They have been working weekends and on the 4th of July to make sure everything gets out.

If you did not receive your packets prior to RAGBRAI’s start or the packets that you received had an error, please come see our staff at beginning of the ride in Onawa at the RAGBRAI Expo on Saturday, July 21.  You can also visit any of the RAGBRAI trailers at any subsequent time during the week of RAGBRAI if you are just riding a day or two later in the week.

Thanks for your patience and hope you have a great time on the ride!



  1. Craig VandeLune

    I guess my groupis a 1%er….still no email or packet! As first-time RAGBRAIers, with less that 2 weeks to go, we’re tting a little anxious!

  2. rdharlow

    Looks like our small group is also in the one percent group.

  3. Romaine Randall

    No small group here but 3 friends all located in Massachusetts have not received their packets, clothing ordered, nor an email. Very frustrating!!! Lots of emails and follow up emails. Very time consuming. This process needs a lot of improvement!!

  4. Syrupgirl

    4th timer here & never had a problem. Thank you RAGBRAI organizers for the clear communication. These things happen. Hoping we get our group packet before the ride. If not, we’ll see you anyway!!!

  5. Roberts Larry

    No packet as of July 11 and nothing from Stamps – I must be a one per center. Never had this problem before.

  6. DenBiker

    TOO LITTLE – WAY TOO LATE – Having watched the this year’s “Packet Drama” unfold over the last few weeks I expected more than just an “update” that basically said “Hey we worked hard and now have got our job done!”

    I would have liked to have seen someone at RAGBRAI stand up and say “Hey we had a problem this year – We are sorry about all the anxiety it has caused among our participants. We are going to work hard in future years to make sure it does not happen again”. Please won’t someone JUST STAND UP, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND APOLOGIZE!!!

  7. Kevin Ferry

    It’s RAGBRAI, you’ll be with 10,000 chill bikers soon, you’ll forget this bump in the road right quick. Enjoy and be safe, ride right.

  8. Art Davis

    This is even more stressful for post-cutoff date buyers of packets who have arrangements pending with sellers who are cancelling their participation after the cutoff date. My pending seller advised me today that his group leader has advised him that he should have his packet in hand this Friday. To be safe since I am leaving for Iowa next Tuesday or Wednesday, we have already agreed to transfer it via Overnight Express mail, which is quite costly.

  9. Darla Gabrielson

    Yep, definitely getting a bit anxious with no packet and clothing in site yet for our group.

  10. Jason Stoller

    What is there really that can be said that already hasn’t?


  11. Maria Barlow

    Another group in the 1 percent club, feeling a little anxious about no packets!

  12. dxnvy

    99%’r Here
    We got our group’s 238 RAGBRAI TAGs & gear with no problem.
    Thank you RAGBRAI and the overtime staff, ya’ll are awesome.
    To those who think they are trolling on the Post, do us all a favor and stay in Denver.
    Happy RAGBRAI all other brothers n sisters

  13. Charles Gerding

    My group received no problem. Thanks RAGBRAI team!

  14. James Wilson

    I am not worried at all. Don’t have my stuff, know I am going to be okay because I have registration numbers. I agree with the commenter above – pretty quick we will all be chillin’ and ridin’ right with 10,000 bikers that are going to have a great week of riding. before we know it, we will all be on Day 7, wishing the week was just starting. I am thankful for the RAGBRAI organizers – keep up the great work.


    I received our packet on Saturday, exactly when the email said. Thank you Ragbrai for all the hard work.
    For others who received their packet, did you receive the emergency contact/license plate and zip ties? I did not. Just wondering if they cut those out this year.

  16. Timmie Hunter

    Purchased our wristbands, cycling kit, vehicle tag, etc. in February. Still I’m sad as no joy from RAGBRAI as of this e-mail. I’m feeling overlooked and unloved. 8^(
    My wife is departing this Tuesday to drive to Davenport with our two doughgeese (we’re renting a motor home in D-port and driving overnight to Onawa for the start). I’m flying up next Friday where we’ll meet at the airport and start our adventure. I sure hope we don’t have to wait in some long line at the expo with the rest of the 1%ers to get our wrist band etc. We’re retired military and really expert at w8n in lines, but this is a vacation after all.

  17. Ann Jamison

    Did anyone else just get a booklet? That was all that was in our packet.

  18. John Ulczycki

    This is not going well. Some of us live a long way from Iowa and because of the delayed sending of wristbands, had to request our stuff sent to a different address. Who knows if we will actually get them to the new address either. Doesn’t look like it as we are only two days away from departing. I imagine the lines will be long at Ragbrai of people trying to get their credentials at the event because they were not sent in time before people had to leave for the event. Ragbrai is a great event, but the distribution and mailing process (received wrong shirt ordered, last minute mailing of wristbands still not received before we have to be on the road) makes this something that definitely needs new processes and timelines.

  19. Art Davis

    It appears that those who have received their credential packets are posting happier comments than those who have not. While my previous comment was one of the less happier ones, I also wish to join the happier ones in thanking the RAGBRAI (and I assume the Des Moines Register) staff for trying their best. It is understandable that in addition to organizing RAGBRAI, the Register also must publish a daily newspaper. As with most newspapers these day, I am sure the Register is working with a trimmer staff than in the past thanks to TV and internet news media. Perhaps it might be time to recruit more volunteers to help with packet assembly and mailing, or consider attracting a co-organizer. RAGBRAI is an Iowa staple, and Des Moines is the headquarters for some very successful companies that would surely like to be part of the tradition.

  20. Jane Larson

    not happy!!! no response from Ragbrai!!! No packet as ofJulu 12th!!!! No housing in Onawa!!!!

  21. Ashley Hansen

    I just got an email from “RAGBRAI ” in my gmail “updates” folder saying that my packet is on the way and it gave the tracking number.

    I know email sometimes goes into spam boxes when coming from unknown addresses, so search for that!

  22. Nancy Bowery

    It is going to be an awesome adventure! Things will go wrong and things will go right, roll with it!
    Attitude is everything on RAGBRAI!

  23. Dave Morrow

    I have volunteered for century rides for almost 35 years (OMG I’m a geezer). There is a tremendous amount of work that goes into putting on an ONE DAY ride. The logistics for a week-long ride must be massive – I can only imagine. ATMO, the RAGBRAI cost is very reasonable. People who are anxious that the wristbands don’t get shipped instantly like your Amazon order should move to a state that has decriminalized the herb, and mellow out. Or just sign up for rides that are on Amazon! Get a grip people, this is a bike ride, not rescuing children from a flooding cave! Give the RAGBRAI workers some slack…

  24. Sandaltan .

    Dave Morrow, I gotta like your attitude.


  25. nhhillrider

    Wow. Just got my email confirmation on the 12th. Group of 2 with no purchases. Big group ?
    Packets will arrive tomorrow maybe. If they don’t come Monday we will be like ships passing in the night. 10th ragbrai and this is a first.

  26. David Willett

    Nothing yet. One week out, no email no packet.

  27. shenandoah

    It’s Monday night, July 16, and our group of 40+ rides have not received our wristbands and merchandise from the Register. Several wristbands have been transferred to others when our riders had to change their plans. Those almost for sure won’t get to their new owners in time. What a mess! Has the DMR given us any explanation? That would have helped mitigate my anger at the situation. And some earlier notice that things were not going as smoothly would have helped too. I hope my ride goes better than this year’s process!!

  28. Dana Shifflett

    Tuesday, 17 July. No email, no packet. Planned to head for Iowa early tomorrow AM, may put it off a day to give mail every chance.
    I’m cool. This is not. Here’s hoping for better in Onawa and future years.

  29. Patrick Doranski

    Still no email, packet or response to my last two emails. Guess I’ll be standing in line with the rest of the forgotten riders.

  30. Miketractor

    Still no email or packet. They have time to do podcast, just not time to service their customers. Disappointing.

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