September 06, 2018
New Episode of the JustGoBike Podcast! Ep 82: The Cycling Adventures of Murph
On this week's episode of the JustGoBike Podcast: Mark and TJ run down the bike news of the week, and Kathy Murphy AKA Murph tells u...
January 22, 2016
Bacon Biking Fever Returns!
Ride for El Cured! The third annual BACooN Ride - the world's best bacon biking event - will be Saturday, June 18.
June 28, 2014
85 photos: 2014 Bacoon Ride
Check out 85 photos of the fun and frenzy during the inaugural 2014 Bacoon Ride.
June 28, 2014
On the trail with the Bacoon Ride
Four-year RAGBRAI veteran Shelby Conklin said she was surprised riders weren't more congested on the Racoon River Valley bike trail...
June 28, 2014
Iowans can’t get enough bacon and bicycling
Thousands of bacon and biking enthusiasts showed up for the opening event of the inaugural Bacoon Ride in Waukee on Friday night.